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How does the pricing work?
We charge a small amount for each reservation. This means that if you experience a period of low volumes in reservations, your costs will also be reduce.
Am I tied to a long term contract?
No. We are confident you will benefit from our service. We only require one month notice to terminate the contract. There are no termination fees.
Do I pay for installation?
No. The installation is part of our service which we will configure to fit with your requirements.
Will there be training provided
Yes. Our system is extremely easy to use, however, we will provide you with all the training you need to ensure all your staff are able to use the system flawlessly.
What happens if we need help?
Our sales and support approach is through personal contact as oppose to contact centres or people you do not know. You will be able to contact your local account manager by phone if you wish.
Do you offer self-help support
Yes. We recognise that sometimes, is it more convenient to help yourself to information than to make calls or send emails. As a customer, you will have privileged access to a support information center where you will be able to find tutorial videos and much more.
Is support included in the service?
Yes. You will always be able to contact your account manager if you need help. Upgrades to the system will be free of charge so you will always be up todate.
What if I need special support?
We recognise that some hotel businesses may chose to outsource some of their operational activities such as ongoing staff training, operational process reviews and marketing. We are able to offer you with a wide range of business support packages through your local account manager.
Technical and technology
Do I need to invest in any equipment?
Low specification computers will do the job very well. You do not need to purchase expensive equipment. The reason is because all the computing power takes place away from your hotel in what is commonly called "the cloud". All your computers have to support is a free browser such as Firefox or Chrome.
Is the information safe as it travels through the Internet?
We use date encryption in ALL our system web pages. It is the same encryption as used by credit card companies and so it it incredibly secure.
Do I need special programs in my computers?
No. That is the beauty of cloud based services. No special programs are needed on any computer.
Is my data backed up?
Yes. We take daily backups of your data and store it for 7 days in a round robin fashion. This means that you can go back up to 7 days should you need to.
Do I own the data?
Absolutely yes. The data is yours and should you decide to switch supplier, we will give you a copy of your data for you to import it into another system.